Just another inspiration for game developer
In 2040-2050 decade, global warming effect is in peak. Ozone layer in both south and north pole is greatly diminished, so all ice melted and sea water volume is increased by 20%. Huge flood and tsunami destroy islands and big cities around the world, while the biggest hurricane is continuously recorded. Mass death is reported everywhere.
After all ice in the pole melted in 2070 decade, the remaining human being come back from their refuge in the mountain and highland. Using remaining technology, they try again to rebuild the earth. But they must face extreme condition: the sun radiation boils the earth because the ozone layer is greatly corrupted and there is no ice in the pole anymore. To avoid sun radiation that can cause cancer, they must wear special cloth.
50 years later...
Ozone layer is continuously reduced and reduced. The earth temperature is like the moon, very hot in the noon and very cold in the night. Even in the noon the sky color isn't light blue anymore; it becomes dark blue and some stars can be seen, because of the extremely thin ozone layer. Ninety percent of the earth becomes desert. Sea water volume is again reduced because the sun boils the sea day by day. Then the ruins of destroyed big city like New York, Tokyo, and London are reappeared. Really, they seem so grim, no life. Dead cities. Many ruins are floated in the ocean, make the ocean seems so turbid. Most of the ruins are recycled to make new civilization.
In the midst of such extreme condition, the development of science and technology is quite fast, so people can rebuild quickly. In Kathmandu 2122 Conference, many important decisions are resulted for future human being: new settlement model, protection against sun radiation, artificial ozone concept, solar energy concept, sea cleansing and distillation, and Equatorial Project.
Indonesia, 2170
Indonesia is a part of Equatorial Project, just like other tropical countries such as Brazil and Madagascar. The world focuses the development in the equatorial area, because there are still little part of natural resource that can be saved. So, the science and technology development are also focused in the equatorial area.
Many islands that were sinked now reappeared because of the decreased sea water volume. All neighbored island is connected by bridge. In big cities, skyscrapers are soared high; the average height is 1500 meters, because people tend to settle vertically. The common architecture is: in the middle part of the building, it's used for vertical farming, to fulfill the food need for the resident. In the edge part, capsule rooms are build as settlement, just like the branch of tree. The top part of the building is used as solar system generator. From the distance, the settlement is like huge forest in the middle of desert island.
Some islands like Bali, Aru, and Seram island become reservoir place. In those islands, people still can see natural forest, animal, and fresh water source that is just a part of two percents around the world. Artificial sky is built above those islands. There are place people can still see light blue sky. There are place people can still breathe with abundant oxygen. Those islands are considered as heaven in the earth.
Of course the number of visitor are highly limited. Only they who have contributed for the world development are allowed to go to those islands. Because of the importance, the government builds floated island around the reservoir. Floated islands are used for soldier to defense them against terrorist. Terrorist often attacks equatorial area in order to pillage the remaining resource. They are organized around the world, they are also armed with sophisticated weapon.
Because of the extreme environment, world politic that become worse, and high death rate due to sun radiation and lack of resource, scientist and soldier are considered as prestigious profession.
What is the Chinese Calendar?
5 days ago
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