One night,
I am driving my car
Sightseeing this city
Music with speed tempo but cool
Bring my mind enjoying this night
This city, so lively
Lights with various shapes and colors
Digitalized advertisements and posters
Slideshow attached in skyscraper’s wall
The darkness of night
Combined perfectly with those artificial lights
In the intersection
Automatic traffic light
Act as police in the day
My eye sees a restaurant
Full with people
Hang out, party, gambling, shopping…
Ah, this city is never asleep!!
While driving my car
I wonder, why human is so wonderful
Create a civilization
Elegant and digital civilization
Combine the darkness of night with artificial lights
Alternate the beauty of nature
Alternate the daylight sensation
Is it recorded in God’s plan?
Wow, I am living in 21th century!
I wonder, while driving my car
Could I take part?
From: a boy who wanna take part for future technology development
What is the Chinese Calendar?
5 days ago
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