
glass of creativity and motivation

Hey, several days ago I read a good article. I think it needs to be it and know yourself better!

Many people often misunderstand “introvert” as negative personality. “Introvert” is often considered as coward, close minded, shy, and antisocial. But it’s not true. Some extraordinary people like Barrack Obama, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and Steven Spielberg are introvert person. But they have wide knowledge about the world. We should know that “introvert personality” and “close minded personality” are quite different.

  • Introvert feels inconvenient when they are in the crowd of people. They work best when alone. But close-minded feels afraid when they are in the crowd of people.

  • If an introvert knows new idea, he/she will think and consider it. But a close-minded person will immediately refuse it and say, “It’s not important!”

  • Introvert rarely begins the conversation because introvert thinks his/her word before speaking. Instead, close-minded doesn’t begin the conversation because he/she is afraid to do so.

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Hi, just call me Yose. I am just an ordinary boy who keeps learning. Someday I want to participate more in science and technology...^_^


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