"Be the light" means
There is nothing to hide in our life
There is no hidden sin
Even the others don't see us
We can keep our attitude as God says
"Be the light" means
Everything that we do
Not because of others thought
Not because of our own will
But just because of God will
"Be the light" means
Have strong will to be shaped
As God wants
Through the joy and through the hardship
We must keep our faith strong
"Be the light" means
Our heart must be ready
To leave people that we love
To leave our safe zone
To do all that God says faithfully
"Be the light" means
We are ready to be unknown
For everything that we do
Coz that's all not for our own glory
That's all just for His glory
If you have strong desire inside your heart
To help and save the people outside
To tell the world about His love
Please, don't let it go away
Fulfil God's call in your life
There are still many people outside
That need a hug and "God loves you" word
Be the light of the world
Shine brightly, shine bravely!
What is the Chinese Calendar?
5 days ago
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