It’s impossible to live without disagreement in this world. Disagreement happens because of difference. There are many kinds of difference; maybe they are race, religiosity, argument, or business difference. Disagreement becomes unavoidable because every people have their own difference. Each people have different physics, talent, thought, and principle. Moreover, each people have their own ego. Ego makes us difficult to live harmonically. Human has basic ego characteristic: prefer demanding respect than respect the others, prefer being listened than listen the others, prefer receive than give, and feel as superior to others.
Egoism can manifest in various ways. In the home, mom and dad often quarrel because each of them feels their argument is the most right. In the office, there are Machiavellian people who will do everything to get higher salary or higher position. In the society, there are many races who feel as “superior”. Consequently, they insult and discriminate each other. It’s clear that our ego just sharpen the difference.
As a youth, what can we do to make harmonious world? Maybe we are not yet become a scientist, spokesman, or president. Maybe we don’t have enough power to do the big things. But to make harmonious society around us, it isn’t needed such power right? All we need to do that is pure heart. We can make harmonious society by decrease our ego and give more. By train ourselves like that, difference isn’t a problem anymore. Difference even can become the “cool stuff” to give happiness for our friends, lecturers, teachers, family, and society around us.
As a good friend, we can learn to control our ego. We can give our ear to hear their argument or complaint. Don’t debate them when they tell their own problem. Don’t force them to become the person that we want, because we’ve already different since we were born. Instead, help them to find their own bright side, help them to find their own true self. Try to become a good friend. If we can’t make and keep harmonious relationship between friends, how can we make bigger harmonious society?
When we are following the lesson in the class, create a harmonious class. We can decrease our ego. How? Don’t be noisy inside the class. As a good student, we should give respect to our lecturer and teacher because they are so dedicated by teaching us. Notice all that they teach, ask them enthusiastically, try to be an active student.
In the home, try to be a good boy or girl. If there is quarrel between our siblings, don’t worsen it by following their quarrel, but vice versa, try to be a mediator to calm them down. If our parents can’t give us as we expected, don’t demand them. Instead, prove that we can become a good son or daughter. Help them when they are busy, take care when they are sick. Do all with pure heart. Make our home condition become harmonious by our presence.
Also, begin to be active in our surrounding society. Again, we’ve already different since we are born. Then use our difference (better read it as ‘specialty’) to give more. Use whatever gift that we have to create harmonious world. If we have music talent, we can cheer street boy or orphans. If we have writing talent, write inspiring words. Maybe it’s just simple words in our social network account, but at least we can strengthen the others that read it. And still many more talent we can give.
We also can keep our surrounding society by sharpening our awareness for difference in the society. Maybe there are many various races and religiosity around us. Sharpening our awareness doesn’t mean sharpening the difference, but view the difference as “cool stuff” that enriches our surrounding society. How to do that? Begin from simple things. For example in Christmas Day, if we are Moslem, say “Merry Christmas” to Christian people. When Moslem people celebrate the end of fasting period, if we are Christian, we can celebrate together with Moslem people by having a lunch together. Let us throw away our exclusiveness.
Wherever we are, make our surroundings smile because of our presence. We are created not to live in war, but to live in happiness and harmony. Remember that life never gives excuses. Use our short lifetime to give happiness wherever we are. Become a small candle that gives its light to shine the dark room though it’s just for short time.
Let’s shine the world with happiness with our presence!
What is the Chinese Calendar?
5 days ago
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